CentOS 7
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EMail Clients' Setting
Configure for your Mail Client on your PC. This example shows with Mozilla Thunderbird.
[1] Run Thunderbird and Click [Create a new account] - [EMAIL].
[2] Click [Skip this and use my existing email].
[3] Input any namme which is displayed as email-Sender and also input email address and password, amd then Click [Continue] button.
[4] Click [Manual config] button.
Confirm selection and also confirm [Authentication] fields are selected [Normal password] like follows, then Click [Done] to finish. After finishing it, Warning message is shown because connection to servers are not encrypted, Accept it or Cancel this setting and Configure SSL/TLS, too on the next section.
By the way, for [Username] field, if you use OS user accounts, specify username,
but if you use virtual mailbox accounts, specify email-address for it.
[6] If email account setup normally, it's possible to send or receive emails like follows.